Tuesday, 27 July 2010

Skagen, Denmark

Leaving for Norway in the morning. Good thing, we need to live cheaper. One day´s harbour fee (270 Dkr) eats up our budget for one day here. Impossible equation. In Norway we hope to find anchorages (at no cost) and plenty of fish in the sea. Maybe even have a milking cow on foredeck, and we´ll be self sufficient.

Yesterday we threw in the fishing tackle when we started to feel hungry and after 15 minutes there was mackerel on the menu!

It´s been long days of sailing lately. Tomorrow no exception, it´s about 80 nm the shortest distance. And no winds to mention on the weather forecast. We better fuel up otherwise we could be drifting for days changing curtesy flag a million times before we reach land.

Here we come Norway, the land where pizza and a beer cost €15 and where newly caught fish and shellfish is for free!

1 comment:

  1. Since you are on a boat, I am thinking you should go with a milking goat instead of a cow to save space. :) Have a great trip!
